Lifting equipment

In an industrial setting, it is easy to identify lifting equipment but it is less obvious for churches, charities and not-for-profits. Follow our risk management guide to help spot what lifting equipment you might be using and how to manage the associated risks.

Legal requirements

If an employee or volunteer is injured during the process of lifting, you may need to show you have met your duty of care. You should check relevant health and safety laws including the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.

You need to ensure lifting equipment is:

  • Sufficiently strong, stable and suitable
  • Positioned or installed to prevent people being injured
  • Clearly marked with appropriate safety information
  • Examined before use and checked periodically by someone with the required expertise

Example hazards

  • People or their clothing coming into contact with pulleys and chains
  • Sharp edges or points and rough surfaces
  • Damaged parts
  • Overloading
  • Slip and trip hazards
  • Poor or no maintenance


Here are some examples of precautions you can take.

  • Check all equipment is complete with all necessary safeguards fitted and free form obvious defects
  • Check that surrounding areas are kept clean and tidy, free from obstructions or slips and trips and well lit
  • Maintaining the equipment properly
  • Arranging the required examinations to be completed
  • Ensuring that anyone who uses the equipment is provided with any necessary information and training

Key steps for lifting equipment risk management

  • Identify all the lifting equipment that is used on your premises
  • Check the precautions you have in place are satisfactory and if not, add additional precautions. Identify who will be responsible for implementing new precautions
  • Ensure existing and new precautions are being taken and remain effective. Record any checks or inspections you make
  • Provide adequate information and training to anyone involved in using lifting equipment. Make a record of this
  • Document your arrangements and responsibilities for the safe use of lifting equipment on your premises

What else might you be interested in?

Management of unoccupied premises

Experience has shown unoccupied properties are at greater risk from arson attacks, vandalism including broken windows and graffiti, burst pipes, theft and fly-tipping.

Managing contractors

From time to time, you might employ the services of a contractor to complete tasks at your premises.

Manual handling

Moving loads by hand is a common enough task in many workplaces, but it is not without risk to those involved.